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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Storm in Riyadh

My friend called me that he would not be able to pass by my office because of the storm. First, I didn't believe him because during the morning the sun is up then suddenly, there's rain? He told me to look at the window, unfortunately my office does not have windows. I just went outside the building and suprisingly there were leaves shattered around the campus and some tents in the parking lot were broken by strong winds. So before the rain, there's sandstorm because of strong winds, then hailstorm and lightning, the heavy rains poured in. The results were flooded in the major roads around the city.

Along King Abdullah Road

Enjoying the flood in Riyadh. :)

Thank you Jodillon for the free Hot Green Tea! Jodillon is a pinoy barista in the coffee shop along King Abdullah Road

Traffic jam along Malik Abdullah Road

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